Monday, October 9, 2023

Coastal Road Adventure

  •                Coastal Road Adventure from                Ganapatipule 
  • to  Harihareshwar 

Blog by

Vijay Kant Diksit 

All photos by Author 

In my earlier blogs I have described our experience at Ganpatipule.  From here We embarked on a daring journey that took us from Ganapatipule to Harihareshwar along a mesmerizing coastal route. This decision promised us a one-of-a-kind experience, as we hugged the coastline and had the chance to cross river waters three times aboard delightful ferries. Although the more conventional, direct route with bridges would have shaved off a swifter five hours from our journey, we chose the scenic coastal path, fully aware that it would add an extra two hours to our adventure. The allure of breathtaking vistas and well-maintained roads outweighed the potential delays caused by ferry availability.

As we set off on our journey, we were greeted by a gentle drizzle. This, while slowing our progress, added an enchanting dimension to the trip. The surroundings were nothing short of magical, with lush greenery enveloping us in all directions, and the melodious chorus of countless birds serenading us throughout our journey. This region, nestled within the Western Ghats, was renowned as a biodiversity hotspot, and it was evident that we were immersed in the heart of a thriving ecosystem. While a casual observer might see only a lush surface cover, we were privileged to have a firsthand encounter with the diverse life forms flourishing in this rich environment.

Frequently, the coastline would reveal itself, offering tantalizing glimpses of the sea. However, it was the overall landscape that truly captivated our senses. Words like "magnificent" barely did justice to the awe-inspiring beauty that enveloped us throughout this extraordinary journey.9

Surprisingly, the road was sparsely populated with vehicles, with only occasional interruptions when we passed through towns or villages along the way. Our journey coincided with the auspicious day of Ganesh Chaturthi, which added a unique and spiritual dimension to our adventure. At every turn, we encountered people transporting Ganapati idols to their homes. What struck us most profoundly was the deep devotion etched on their faces. It was as if they weren't merely carrying statues but welcoming a living deity into their homes.

The air was infused with a sense of serenity that seemed to embrace our very souls. These devotees, who lovingly ushered Lord Ganesha into their households, followed a beautiful tradition. They kept their doors open, effectively transforming their homes into sacred spaces where anyone could enter and offer prayers to the deity. This open-hearted hospitality and reverence for the divine left an indelible impression on us, reinforcing the belief that spirituality could transcend boundaries and bring people together in profound harmony.

With the benevolent blessings of Lord Ganesha and the ever-enchanting scenery as our backdrop, we reached our first transit point, the historic town of Jaigadh. This town boasted the intriguing presence of the ancient Jaigadh Fort, a testament to bygone eras. Regrettably, our time constraints prevented us from delving into its depths.

As we approached the jetty, our spirits hung in the balance, as there was no sight of a ferry in the distance. Disappointment momentarily overshadowed our excitement. However, we accepted the possibility of catching the next ferry, which we presumed would arrive in about an hour.
 Yet, just as we reached the jetty, our hearts leaped with joy at the unexpected sight of a ferry gracefully approaching the shore.


It was a moment of sheer delight, a rare blessing in life. With renewed enthusiasm, we proceeded to board ourselves and our trusty Honda Civic onto the awaiting ferry, eager to continue our onward adventure. The journey, it seemed, was not only filled with the promise of scenic beauty but also generously sprinkled with serendipitous moments that made it all the more memorable.

 Jaigadh, a quaint fishing village, is nestled in the midst of industrial activities, primarily due to the presence of a Jindal plant. Furthermore, Jindal is actively developing the Jaigadh port, a bustling hub of massive construction. Surprisingly, despite these changes, the traditional fishing industry, a cornerstone of the local economy and social fabric, appears resilient.

Upon disembarking from the ferry, we plunged into a verdant ocean of lush biodiversity. The heavens had decided to bless us with relentless rain. It poured so intensely that the roads turned into shadowy corridors, and visibility through the windshield was severely compromised. Nonetheless, undeterred, we continued our journey.

As lunchtime approached, the heavy rain compelled us to search for a restaurant along the way. Regrettably, options were scarce. We endured for a while, but when our hunger became unbearable, we pulled over to the roadside and commenced our lunch with the provisions we had brought. The rain persisted, necessitating that we keep the car doors tightly shut. While most people enjoy candlelit dinners, we relished a hearty monsoon meal. The food seemed to acquire an even more exquisite taste in such an atmospheric and challenging setting.

With our hunger satiated, we resumed our journey. The road stretched ahead, mostly devoid of traffic, occasionally interrupted by herds of smaller local cattle breeds. The predominant landscape consisted of mango orchards, particularly famous for the coveted Hapus mangoes renowned for their exceptional taste and flavor. It's possible that other crops thrive in the interior regions.

Our next destination was the Dhopave ferry transit. Lady luck smiled upon us as we arrived just in time to catch the departing ferry. We secured our tickets, and without delay, the ferry raised its plank and set sail. As we sailed some distance, a distant whistle caught our attention. It was a state transport bus conductor skillfully aligning his bus for the ferry. Surprisingly, the ferry didn't return but continued its journey It is a remarkable mode of multimodal transport catering to the masses. The ferry service also runs on time irrespective of local situation.

Finally, we disembarked at Dabhol, marking another chapter in our adventure.
Continuing our coastal road journey, we embarked on the last leg after disembarking from the ferry. This stretch led us through the lush ocean of biodiversity in the Western Ghats and the Konkan region.
The lush, vibrant tapestry of nature unfolded before us, an exquisite masterpiece painted by Mother Earth herself. Insects, an assorted multitude of shapes and sizes, took center stage, gracefully flitting about above a stunning bouquet of colorful flowers. Their delicate ballet in the gentle, warm breeze was a captivating performance, eloquently illustrating the vital role of pollinators in the intricate web of life.

Venturing further along our path, our gaze was drawn to a monitor lizard, its scaly form soaking in the sun's embrace. Its unwavering focus, perhaps honed on elusive prey, revealed the enduring tenacity of these ancient reptilian hunters  from monitor lizard dwelling on ground to snakes slithering in the tree branches as they pursued sustenance amidst the wilderness.

Overhead, the forest came alive with a melodious symphony of avian voices. Colorful birds adorned branches like living jewels, each adding its unique note to the harmonious chorus of the wild. The cicadas and frogs lent their voices as well, joining the choir. Meanwhile, below the water's surface, creatures like fish, water insects, and crabs gracefully danced in nature's underwater ballroom. Their graceful movements and songs were a jubilant celebration of the kaleidoscope of life and a poignant reminder of the urgent need to protect and preserve these fragile ecosystems.

Continuing on our expedition, a fox materialized on the path ahead, its eyes locking onto us with an inquisitive gleam. In that gaze, we sensed a silent question, an inquiry into our presence in its pristine sanctuary. It was a profound moment, underscoring our responsibility as stewards of the environment, entrusted with safeguarding the homes of these wondrous creatures.

It became clear that all the inhabitants of this biodiverse haven were curious about our intrusion, their collective gaze questioning our motives. Regrettably, the constraints of time denied us the chance to delve deeper into the hidden treasures of this ecosystem. Nevertheless, this encounter served as a resounding reminder of our duty to conserve and protect these intricate ecosystems, ensuring their survival for generations yet to come.

The road gradually narrowed, taking us through a serene countryside where economic activities were surprisingly inconspicuous. Despite this, the area exuded an aura of prosperity, with elegant houses lining the route, a stark contrast to the typical image of Indian villages with huts and dirt tracks.

Our final destination, Harihareshwar, awaited us in Vesave. The ferry we boarded was noticeably more crowded, accommodating around 15 cars, motorcycles, and passengers. What caught our attention was the juxtaposition on one side of the Savitri River, where buildings displayed distinct Islamic architecture and even included some mosques, while the other side was the holy town of Harihareshwar, often referred to as Uttar Kashi. Despite these cultural differences, the local residents seemed to coexist harmoniously.


Upon arriving at Harihareshwar jetty, we faced a minor setback: our dependence on technology became apparent as Google Maps proved unreliable due to poor reception with our Airtel mobile SIMs. Perhaps there were too few Airtel towers in the area. In times gone by, the car window served as our navigation tool. We would simply lower the window and shout for directions, a practice we reverted to when needed, relying on our sense of direction and the kindness of locals.

Eventually, we reached our ultimate destination, the MTDC resort, where we had reserved two Bamboo huts. Our initial glance brought a moment of trepidation as we saw a row of Bamboo huts engulfed by weeds and plants. The receptionist informed us that only three huts were habitable, and we were fortunate enough to secure two of them. With gratitude in our hearts, we cautiously entered, half-expecting to encounter reptiles, foxes, or bandicoots. To our surprise, the Bamboo huts were well-furnished, complete with a veranda overlooking the forest, creating a truly magical setting.

As we settled in, we readied ourselves for the next chapter of our adventure, which I will share with you in our upcoming blog post


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